Native of Nice (French Riviera) she began to dance at the very young age of 5 years old with the Rythmic Gymnastic. In 2002 she discovers the Breakdance with her first crew “Kamikaze Flex” with whom she experimented battles and street shows.
In 2006 she left her home town for the capital and became a professional dancer by integrating the company BLACK BLANC BEUR, 1st company of Hip-hop in France, then she was an interpreter for the companies X-PRESS (Abderzack HOUMI), NATHALIE BILLARD and the company 6TH DIMENSION (Severine BIDAUD). Her love for the stage develops her artistic sensibility, the stage becomes for her a play area, where she shows herself, where she expresses herself freely. It is in the perpetual evolution that she becomes open to other artistic forms such as the theatre and the music. All this allows her few as little to create her own universe and to spread her own style.
In 2012, she joined the elite of the dancers selected during the biggest world auditions, organized all over the world, by integrating the troop of MADONNA for the MDNA Tour. This fabulous experience of one year will allow her to travel all over the world, to acquire a solid mental and a bigger professionalism. This inheritance pushes her to exceed her own limits and to settle down at Los Angeles where she will pursue her learning process in singing with CARY GOLDEN, in circus in the CIRQUE SCHOOL LA and in dance with the biggest American choreographers of moment, such as LIZ EMPERIO, ALISON FAULK, MEGAN LAWSON, JASON YOUNG… She has many opportunities and she is hired for differents great jobs. She is part of a music video with the famous LONELY ISLAND, ROBYN, SEAN COMBS and P.DIDDY, she dances for the latin music awards THE MEXICAN BILLBOARDS AWARDS at the KODAK THEATER in HOLLYWOOD, for the commercial BENEFIT EYEBROWS and dances for the singer DESSY DI LAURO and the pianist RIC’ KEY PAGEOT (MADONNA’s pianist).
In 2014, her desire to refound the stage and to widen her possibilities directed her to circus arts and she joined the Canadian troop of the CIRQUE DU SOLEIL, for the show ” VAREKAI “, as dancer interprets and also embodies one of the major roles of the show, the female clown, for several representations.
Strong of her multiple and varied experiences, she decided to return in France to begin more personal projects.
In 2015, she found her peers and makes a new commitment with one of her heart companies: 6TH DIMENSION (interpret for the danced conference “hip-hop, is it very serious?”)
Then, she is called by the group ZAMOUNDA, a strong female group with very well known personnalities of the dance Hip-hop community and produced herself for shows in Holland (IBE 2015) and in the United States (FREESTYLE SESSION 2015).
All those experiences made of her the very versatile artist that she is today.
Emilie Schram A.K.A Haoura